The Face
Lifting and Lipofilling
Facial rejuvenation is becoming increasingly important in our aging and active society. The idea is to leave the personality of the face while correcting the flaws. Combinations of classic facelift surgeries are currently being modified with adjuvant non-surgical techniques.
The facelift incisions are made in the temporal, auricular and retroauricular areas. The skin is peeled off at the level of the cheeks. The muscles are tightened then the skin will be resected according to its excess. Never excessive surgery, limit scars as much as possible in invisible areas and above all, leave facial expression is my goal.

The combination with fillers (hyaluronic acid and fat) and the use of botox complete the action of the facelift since it affects the small wrinkles around the mouth and at the corners of the eyes. The fat fills the nasolabial folds very well and rejuvenates the face.
In the youngest, a mini facelift with temporal incisions in the hair, can reduce the ptosis of the face and be sufficient for a few years. The incisions are invisible the combination with the fillers and the botox should be sufficient It is obvious that the results of the minilifting are more temporary, but they have the merit of being done on an outpatient basis, possibly under local anesthesia, and of not transforming the expression of the face. Pre and post mini lift
This is probably one of the most subtle operations in cosmetic surgery: the face brightens, the eyes are refreshed, and rejuvenation is assured.

The scars are in the folds of the lower eyelid, and if the lower bags are removed, the scars are made at the level of the eyelashes. They are invisible and the bruising temporary. Combination with botox in the outer fine lines significantly reduces the scar size.
Face reshaping
Depending on the face, it is possible to modify the shape of the rounding either by liposculpture or by mini lipofilling, in the chin, cheeks, mandibular angle, nasolabial folds.
The fillers are either fat that you suck up elsewhere and that you break up, or hyaluronic acid (different molecules depending on where you inject it).

The nose is sometimes too big, too big, misshapen and hardens the face… An internal correction with modifications of the cartilages, refinement of the bones, shortening of the nose are possible. A very rigorous dissection of the structures is necessary with a precise internal remodeling. limits are related to the quality of the skin and previous operations that create intense fibrosis
Depending on age, genetics, nutrition, there may be body dysmorphisms. If there is no excess skin, liposuction techniques are adequate.
If there is excess skin, skin resections should be combined, but under very precise rules, to avoid inherent complications.
In cases of excess fat, especially localized, liposuction techniques are indicated. Depending on the location, thickness and fibrosis, different cannulas are used. Liposuction machines are plentiful, but they will be preferred over each other, depending on the indications.
The liposuction can be carried out in the arms, the thorax, the back, the hips, the stomach, the thighs, the legs. On the other hand, according to the possible notion of lymphatic edema, it is necessary to carry out an adjustment by IRML to avoid significant postoperative edemas and adapt techniques.
A minimum of 4 weeks restraint is necessary night and day to reduce the risk of postoperative hematoma and edema.
Tummy tuck
An elliptical resection of the subumbilical skin (which can even be extended in the back) is possible with or without transposition of the umbilicus depending on the case. Liposculpture is often combined, especially on the flanks and above the umbilicus, as well as the correction of muscle relaxation after pregnancy. The incisions are very low, and hidden by the panties. The patient will be hospitalized for at least 2 days and will be put on anticoagulants at preventive doses for 3 weeks, such as the abdominal sheath. The results are very visible and often allow you to go down 2 clothing sizes.
Thigh plasty
An elliptical resection of the subumbilical skin (which can even be extended in the back) is possible with or without transposition of the umbilicus depending on the case. Liposculpture is often combined, especially on the flanks and above the umbilicus, as well as the correction of muscle relaxation after pregnancy. The incisions are very low, and hidden by the panties. The patient will be hospitalized for at least 2 days and will be put on anticoagulants at preventive doses for 3 weeks, such as the abdominal sheath. The results are very visible and often allow you to go down 2 clothing sizes.
Breast reduction and mastopexy
Raising the breasts and possibly lowering them requires a good technique.
In order to reduce scars as much as possible, the breast can be resculpted with liposculpture at the end, in case of strong hyperplasia.
In case of hypoplasia, lipofilling can be done in the upper pole, or a small implant can be placed if the breast has lost its substance after pregnancy.
But there can be intolerance to silicone which results in an auto-immune syndrome, with symptoms ranging from chronic fatigue to headaches, arthralgia, hair loss, thyroid disorders… A check-up is necessary, and if this proves positive, removal of the prostheses and capsulectomy will be necessary. The prostheses can be replaced by fat, if possible, at the same time or later.