I just wanted to let you know….I saw my physical therapist today, and we did a measurement on the arm, and it is the smallest it has been in 3 years! I wore a jacket a few weeks ago, that…
Early impressions
I feel already quite happy for the first results I see and feel in my right arm. Quite a portentous technique, doubtlessly. Since my emergency surgery I had been living with a constant sense of weight in my arm and…
In only two months …
These were taken at the end of March, and the July 2015 numbers are at the bottom. My arm looks very close to pre-mastectomy size! There is no way that I can ever thank you enough, except to be your…
An angel to people suffering with this condition
Look how much improvement there is from 2012!! You made my life so much better. I cannot thank you enough!!
Please find attached a Tri- Athelon photo in which I participated on August 2 in Connecticut. I thought you ‘d like to see the positive results of my two transfers of lymph nodes and huge improvement in my leg.
Thank you from Australia!
Just an update on my progress. I went to my physiotherapist C.U. who manages my lymphedema here in Australia. I hadn’t seen her for many weeks she took L Dex reading was down to 44 from 64 and arm girth…
Mrs B.G.
The sinus in left breast is healing itself. Arm is still reducing in size especially the upper arm. The wrist and lower forearm still fluctuates depending on my complex bandaging regime. And the L-Dex bio impedance measure has gone down…
Je suis interne en médecine. Je souffrais d’un lipo-lymphoedème des membres inférieurs invalidant dans la vie de tous les jours du fait de douleurs quasi permanentes.
Je suis née avec un oedème proximal du membre inférieur gauche, ainsi qu’un oedème distal du membre supérieur droit. Depuis quasiment 23 ans maintenant, je subis les soins que nécessessitent ces malformations: contentions, kinésithérapie, cures, etc. Autant d’années à investir…
Dr R.W.
I reviewed Mrs S.B. at the Hospital today together with my colleague A.D. We were pleased to see that she has had a significant improvement in the lymphoedema in the left lower limb following a lymph node transfer in Paris…